Our next Full Moon is here! October 20 marks the Hunter's moon in Aries. And it’s coming full force!
It is important to note that this is not a Blood Moon according to the official definition. A Blood Moon occurs during a lunar eclipse. The reason some call this Moon a Blood Moon is due to its proximity to Halloween.
This full moon is going to be action oriented. Prepare for the fiery spirit of Aries to be within you as you dedicate yourself to completing your task. There will be a bull’s-eye with your goals being accomplished as its primary target.
Indecision will not be a problem as Aries makes it all about getting to the point.
Make sure you don’t skip over any details. Don’t rush yourself. Still breathe.
The moon in Aries will be opposing a Libra Mars, so this will help you still use your heart when thinking about the best way to achieve your goals. Thought processes in relationships and business get the balance they need at this time. Make sure you’re doing your best to go after what you want in a careful and thoughtful, versus aggressive, way, leaning into opportunities for transformation, and being unafraid to burn down anything that is no longer serving you, this full moon could mark a gratifying turning point.
Intentions set in the spring may be coming to fruition now. Healing conclusions and transitions are in the forefront. Collaborations will be spotlighted. You could be ready to leave one professional path or a new more fulfilling one. Use your high ambition to go for it!
Full Moon Ritual Suggestions:
Journal Prompts:
What lessons do you think your ancestors would want you to have learned?
Is there any relationship you’d like to mend?
What inspirers you to keep going?
Cleaning up:
clean up physical spaces (home, office, car etc.)
Reset internal/spiritual balance
Turn off your phone and find a quiet place where you can sit and pay attention to the rising and falling of your abdomen as you inhale and exhale. It sometimes helps to place your hand on your heart and belly and take a few deep breaths. Repeat as often as you like to help you relax and ground your body.
Explore the vibrations and frequencies available to listen to as you meditate.
Take a spiritual bath:
Think about the intentions you’d like to set for this ritual.
use corresponding crystals, herbs, and oils
Happy Full Moon!
Blessed be,
