Candles hold more than just sweet scents. You can place crystals, herbs, aromatherapy oils, and candle dye in them to make them a manifestation magic maker!
My writing pieces will focus on the colors as many altar candles do not have any additional enhancers besides the color itself.
When thinking about the things that you want to manifest in your life, just how you use certain color crystals, you can also use the candles as well! Many already know this but there are some very intricate meanings to colors as well as burning two colors at the same time to enhance a specific manifestation.
Just as Clear Quartz is considered the master healer, a white candle is a master in it’s own right. White promotes serenity and peace and enhances personal strength and insight. In magic, white represents light and clear vision, and so is helpful where a new beginning or a sudden burst of energy and enthusiasm is needed. White is a good color for birth, marriage and welcoming rituals. Also, white is associated with female energies, lunar rituals, so a white candle is especially potent on Monday, the day of the moon.
White is the absorption of all colors meaning when in doubt or low on color candles, use white. Workings using white energy are strongest on Monday and need the energy of the third eye.
Use with diamonds, clear crystals, moonstones or other white stones.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Chakras: Crown
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Numerology: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9